The REST API is built on the representational state transfer principles.
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get], create [post], update [put], delete [delete]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: retrieve [get], create [post]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get], create [post]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML
- Methods: list [get], retrieve [get]
- Formats: JSON, XML